Live food and healthy food:
seasonality and a short supply chain
Doctor Lucia Bacciottini.
Profile of a nutritionist.
Discover how to use your vegetable Box
You’ve just received the vegetable Box. Don’t look at it as a mere box of vegetables – it’s a box of veritable nutritional treasures that can be used to produce fantastic results.
The courgette
It is a typical late spring-summer vegetable with a low calorie content (21-22 Kcal per 100 g) but a high nutritional value: it is therefore an optimal food for everyone.
The aubergine
The aubergine (or eggplant) is a vegetable that belongs to the Solanaceae family, whose scientific name is Solanum melongena, with its characteristic purple colour (with varying intensity) due to the presence of anthocyanins; it is a typical summer vegetable, depurative, low in calories and rich in fibre.
Fibre is making a dramatic comeback in our diets: we hear about it everywhere, even many commercial products are now labelled ‘rich in fibre’
(Swiss) chard is a green leafy vegetable and is one of the key vegetables of the power of green in the vegetable garden. It is a typical spring vegetable that is light, digestible and refreshing.
The asparagus
It is a late spring vegetable, detoxifying and diuretic, the best common being GREEN in colour, but there are also other varieties ranging from white to purple, with different flavours but the same nutritional properties